Yoga asanas to beat joint pain: Malaika Arora’s trainer shares tips

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Yoga comes with multiple health benefits. Besides strengthening the muscles and the joints of the body, yoga also helps in relaxing the mind.

It helps in inducing better sleep and boosting the overall energy level of the body. It is recommended by health experts that yoga must be added to the daily fitness routine in order to combat body pain, stretch the muscles and the joints and boost overall physical and mental strength. Certain yoga asanas also target certain muscle groups of the body. From strengthening upper body to addressing gut health and back injuries, yoga asanas also help in providing relief from pain and keeping chronic illnesses at bay.

Arthritis is a common condition which is faced by people with age. As we grow older, Arthritis can worsen. It is the stiffness and the swelling in the joints. However, with a simple yoga routine, Arthritis can be addressed effectively. Sarvesh Shashi, yoga trainer to several Bollywood celebrities including Malaika Arora, shared a short video where he spoke of the many benefits of yoga asanas. “Got pain in joints? Harvard says that yoga can help in dealing with joint pain effectively. Save this reel and make sure to practise these three simple asanas. To lose weight, improve your fitness level, reduce stress and more, start yoga,” read an excerpt of his post. Sarvesh further noted down three yoga asanas that can help in reducing joint pain and alleviating Arthritis symptoms.

Triangle Pose

Bridge Pose

Warrior II Pose

The yoga asanas come with many benefits. Triangle Pose helps in increasing stability and stretching and strengthening the spine, it also helps in opening the hips and the shoulders. Bridge Pose, on the other hand, helps in stretching the chest, neck, spine, and hips. It also helps in boosting circulation of blood. Warrior II Pose helps in stimulating the abdominal organs and developing balance and stability.

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