World’s Safest Countries and Cities to Visit in 2023

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The Netherlands, Denmark and Iceland rank as the top three safest countries to visit in 2023, according to Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection’s (BHTP) Safest Places to Travel in 2023 list.

BHTP determined the top fifteen safest countries and cities to visit for next year using data surrounding weather emergencies, terrorism, health measures and the safety of traditionally underrepresented groups, as well as data from September’s State of Travel Insurance survey.

Many of the safest countries to visit next year are located in Scandinavia and the rest of Europe, with only four other countries located outside of Europe: Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Arab Emirates. The list of the fifteen safest cities offer a wider geographic spread, with cities like Singapore, Seoul and Tokyo ranking in the list.

The world’s safest countries, in descending ranked order, are the Netherlands, Denmark, Iceland, Australia, Norway, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, New Zealand, Spain, Ireland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and Belgium.

The world’s safest cities to visit, in descending ranked order, are as follows: Reykjavik, Copenhagen, Montreal, Amsterdam, Seoul, Singapore, Tokyo, Berlin, London, Sydney, Barcelona, Honolulu, Rome, Dubai, and Paris.

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