Women’s orgasm is not ‘unnecessary’: Here’s how it helps them choose the right mate
The female orgasm has long been a topic of fascination and debate among researchers. While it’s not necessary for pregnancy (as is the case with a man, who needs to orgasm in order to ejaculate, inseminate and thus impregnate a female partner), its purpose has been a subject of interest.
As per Psypost.org, one theory suggests that the female orgasm helps women choose high-quality mates, promoting sexual selection.
Sexual selection could be purpose of female orgasm
This mate choice theory is similar to how peahens choose peacocks with more impressive tails, as revealed in a 2010 study published on Nature.com. Moreover, in most species, males compete for access to females, while females choose their preferred mates. This is due to the limited number of eggs females are born with, making their gametes a precious resource, per the study.
Researchers of a 2014 study published in Sagepub.com noted, “Mate choice is not a trivial issue. One of the best ways to ensure that genes find their way into subsequent generations is to pair them with a member of the opposite sex who is healthy, reproductively viable, and has high-quality genes.”
Male characteristics associated with female orgasm
Research, like this 2016 study published in Tandfonline.com, indeed found correlations between certain male characteristics and the frequency and likelihood of female orgasm.
This study reported that the female orgasm is related to certain male characteristics. For example, males who are viewed as funny, creative, warm, faithful and better smelling elicit more orgasms in their female partners, and put in more effort to induce partner orgasm. Women with more masculine and dominant partners report more frequent and earlier orgasms, and women with more attractive male partners are more likely to have experienced orgasm during their most recent sexual encounter.
Here are its key findings:
1. Personality traits: Males who are perceived as funny, creative, warm, faithful, and having a pleasant scent are more likely to induce orgasms in their female partners.
2. Effort and attentiveness: Men who put in more effort to induce partner orgasm are more likely to elicit orgasms in their female partners.
3. Masculinity and dominance: Women with more masculine and dominant partners report more frequent and earlier orgasms.
4. Physical attractiveness: Women with more attractive male partners are more likely to have experienced orgasm during their most recent sexual encounter.
Reproductive consequences
These findings suggest that a combination of personality traits, effort, and physical characteristics can contribute to a woman’s likelihood of experiencing orgasm.
Other factors also highlight the complexities of the female orgasm and its potential role in sexual selection and mate choice. Females are more impacted by pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and childrearing, making reproduction a significant investment, as per a 1994 study published in