Why red wine drinkers may have the best sex, according to science

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Everyone who drinks has a pick for what kind of alcohol they prefer — and what they avoid. But when you and your partner are looking to get it on, there may only be one type of bottle to pick up at the store: red wine.

Several studies have found that of all the alcoholic beverages you can have before sex, red wine is the only one that can actually enhance and improve your sexual experience.

This can happen for a few reasons. One study, for example, found that red wine in moderation can boost your testosterone, a hormone that can increase your sexual desire. The key here is moderation, though, as the researchers found that drinking too much wine could actually tank your testosterone levels. Your best bet is to stick to a glass or two with dinner.

Another study found that drinking a moderate amount of red wine actually increases blood flow to women’s’ erogenous zones, and could increase lubrication. The study also found that women who drank red wine had a higher sex drive than those who drank another type of alcohol.

A study also found that polyphenols, which are found in red wine, as wells as berries and chocolate, can decrease instances of erectile dysfunction by 14%. If that wasn’t enough, researchers also pointed out that red wine contains hhistamines, which can increase your sex drive.

They key to take away here is drinking in moderation. If you chug a lot of red wine, that doesn’t mean that your sex is going to be that much better. In fact, you’ll likely make the situation that much worse. But if you’re looking for a drink that will work in your favor on a romantic date, there’s a reason why so many people reach for red wine.

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