Why is Amarpuri Billu called Jalebi Baba, serial rapist and tantrik? Police found 120 rape clips

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A Haryana court convicted a man named Amarpuri Billu for raping over 100 women. The man is said to be an oculist and is known by his alias Jalebi Baba.

He would give women intoxicants to render them helpless and then would rape them. He would also make video clips of his crimes. The Fatehabad court found him guilty on charges of extortion, I-T act, NDPS Act and Arms Act as well.

The court also convicted him of raping 100 women and sentenced him to 14 years in prison. The court handed him a 14-year sentence in POCSO Act, 5 years under IT Act and 14 years for rapes. All these sentences will run concurrently. He was convicted on January 5.

How was Jalebi Baba caught? Haryana’s Tohana Police found that a clip of rape had gone viral in 2019. The police traced the clip to the tantrik’s mobile phone. They found 120 clips showing sexual assaults — each with a different woman. He was later arrested. According to the police, Jalebi Baba would use these clips to blackmail his victims.

Why was Amarpuri Billu called Jalebi Baba? His real name is Amarpuri Billu. He is a father of four girls and two boys. He had come to Tohana from Punjab’s Mansa, 23 years ago. He is called Jalebi Baba as he used to sell Jalebi at a stall in the city. He met an occultist who ushered him into the so-called black magic.

Amarpuri disappeared from Tohana for a few years. When he returned, he shifted his base to a temple where his devotees would come to meet him. Most of his devotees were women. In 2018, his acquaintance accused him of rape, and Jalebi Baba was arrested after she filed a complaint. However, he got bail.

A rape complaint was registered on July 19, 2018. The city’s women police investigated the matter and arrested him.

The police found three video tapes, 25 pills. They also found a mobile, two account books, 2 note books, three diaries, four live bullets and two cheque books.

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