Vladimir Putin scared? Russian president spending ‘too much’ on his security

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Russian president Vladimir Putin’s spending on personal security has skyrocketed this year, according to government data.

It is likely that the Kremlin is ramping up measures to ensure the Russian leader’s safety amid Moscow’s Ukraine invasion. This also comes amid rise in drone strikes inside Russian territory.

What Russian government data showed?

Data provided by Russia’s Ministry of Finance shows that between January and May this year, spending on the safety and security of Vladimir Putin and his staff reached 15 billion rubles ($185,700 million)- 77 percent of the annual budget allocation. This is up 15 percent from the same time frame last year, Moscow Times reported. The figure is higher than government spending on Russian military and border protection, the report added.

Why the rise in spending?

Vladimir Putin appears to not be taking chances, according to Verstka, an independent Russian news outlet. On May 3, two drones crashed into the Kremlin in Moscow. This week Russia blamed Ukraine for a large-scale drone attack on Moscow when at least eight drones caused minor damage.

What else has Kremlin been doing?

Journalists from countries that Russia regards as “unfriendly” have been banned from covering this year’s economic forum in St. Petersburg, Kremlin said, underlining the animosity between Russia and countries that have imposed sanctions connected to Ukraine war or that have criticized Moscow.

“Yes, indeed. It was decided not to accredit media outlets from unfriendly countries to the SPIEF this time,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was quoted as telling state news agency Tass.

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