Ukraine crisis: UN Security Council to hold an emergency meeting today, India to be present

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The United Nation Security Council (UNSC) will hold an emergency meeting tonight after Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to recognise the independence of separatist regions in eastern Ukraine and the order of Russian troops to to launch a ‘peacekeeping operation’ there.

Ukraine, the United States and six other countries had requested for the meeting. Russia, which currently holds the rotating council presidency, has scheduled it for 9 pm, New York time. The emergency meeting will take place in the United Nations Security Council in New York.

15 countries including Albania, Ireland, Norway and Mexico also supported the decision to call the meeting. India will also make a statement in this meeting. Here it is worth noting that Russia is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.

In this sense, like the other four permanent member countries – United States, United Kingdom, China and France, Russia also has veto power on any proposal. In such a situation, it is not clear what will ultimately be achieved in the emergency meeting of the Security Council.

Read | US President Joe Biden signs executive order to prohibit new investment, trade in Ukraine breakaway regions

Putin declares two Ukraine provinces as independent countries

On Monday, Russia announced the recognition of Ukraine’s two provinces of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent countries.

Ukraine’s President Zelensky has reacted strongly to this decision. He has bluntly said that his country is not afraid of anything.

Separatist leaders sign the decree

Putin signed the decree with separatist leaders on Russia’s state TV channel.

Germany and France were also informed about this. Both countries expressed their disappointment over this decision.

Ukrainian officials fear that separatist leaders may now request military help from Russia, paving the way for Russian military action in these areas.

US reacts

Responding to the move, the United States has announced financial sanctions against the rebel territories.

It prohibited new investment in the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic regions of Ukraine.

Apart from America, the EU and Britain are also talking about imposing restrictions.

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