Travelling to Bhutan can become cheaper if you stay longer there

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Bhutan is famed for its picturesque landscapes, monasteries, and numerous sightseeing options that it’s not difficult to understand why it’s one of the sought-after destinations for travellers.

However, the pandemic hit its tourism industry to such a great extent that Bhutan had to come up with some incentives to encourage travellers to visit the country until the end of 2024.

As reported earlier, Bhutan announced changes to its Sustainable Development Fee which made headlines after it jumped from $65 to $200 a day when the country reopened its borders in September.

Now, the tourism industry has come up with an incentive, which was announced last week, wherein travellers can avoid paying some of Bhutan’s daily tourism fees as long as they stay there for at least five nights. Also, the longer you stay, the more you can save.

As per an announcement on Bhutan’s Department of Tourism website, travellers who pay the SDF for the first four days, can enjoy staying an additional four days without paying the fee.

Likewise, travellers who pay the fee for the first seven days, will get to stay an additional seven days without paying for the second week, whereas those paying for 12 days, will be exempt from paying it for 18 days thereafter.

Reports have it that the changes will come into effect from June 1, which are meant to encourage vacationers to stay longer.

Bhutan’s Department of Immigration has even gone ahead to come up with a website where travellers can calculate potential savings under the different incentive programs.

Also, those who have already booked trips to Bhutan, they can take advantage of the new incentives by cancelling their visas and reapplying for a new one, as per the announcement.

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