The benefits of having sex in the winter

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There is no doubt that the intimate relationship between spouses is a true expression of their feelings and emotions, so what if this relationship is also the key to enjoying health?

Mental and physical health experts stress the need to practice intimacy regularly between spouses because it fights depression and strengthens the bond of love and communication between the two partners. It also helps to strengthen the body and protects the body from many diseases that spread more in the winter season.

Let’s learn about the most important benefits of having sex in winter and its effects on health.

Health benefits of having sex in winter

In a study conducted by researchers in the United States, they showed that regular physical contact during the winter season can help protect the body from winter diseases and strengthen the love bond between spouses.

According to the results of the study, intimacy produces antibodies against diseases, thus improving the body’s immunity and helping in the treatment of diseases.

And the scientists added that intimacy is necessary for people with a cold, as this process helps to increase the production of antibodies in the body by 30%.

The researchers also noted that people who have sex twice a week in the winter have a greater ability to release antigens such as immunoglobulins that fight colds and influenza.

Intimacy and vitamins

Intimacy plays an important role in compensating the body for the vitamins it loses in the winter, so it helps to strengthen the heart muscle and reduce the risk of prostate and breast cancer.

Intimacy promotes healthy skin

In addition to boosting the immune system, intimacy in the winter helps produce collagen, which is the main protein in muscles, skin, ligaments, cartilage, and bones. To rejuvenate the skin and restore its radiance.

It is known that the skin dries up in the winter, which is one of the main reasons that accelerates the aging process. Intimacy helps to increase estrogen levels, which prevents dry skin and improves its elasticity.

Fight depression and stress

Numerous studies have shown that intimacy in winter fights depression that always accompanies the cold season, because sexual relations help release endorphins, the happiness hormone responsible for psychological comfort and well-being, which in turn reduces stress hormones.

Relieving menstrual cramps

In 2000, researchers conducted a study of 1,900 women to see how intercourse in winter affected their health and found that sexual intercourse made them less likely to experience menstrual cramps.

Weight loss

Intimacy can be relied upon in the winter as a way to get rid of excess weight, because the physical exertion of intimacy stimulates the body to burn calories and secrete hormones that make you feel hungry.

deep sleep

Winter intimacy is an effective way to combat insomnia, as the brain releases chemicals such as serotonin during intimacy to help you relax, calm your nerves, and feel sleepy.

Tips for enjoying intimacy in the winter

Take a hot bath before intimacy to warm the body, boost blood circulation, and increase libido.

Keep the basics of foreplay and kissing as they add heat and warmth to both partners.

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