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Sexual Health

1 अदरक का टुकड़ा+2 चम्मच शहद=जीवन में रोमांस भर देगा ये मिश्रण, Dietician ने माना 5 यौन समस्याओं का…

दो ऐसे खाद्य पदार्थ हैं जिनके सेवन से सेहत को अनगिनत फायदे होता हैं। ऐसा माना जाता है कि जब इन दोनों को एक साथ लिया जाता है, तो इनकी ताकत और फायदे दोगुने हो जाते हैं। शहद और अदरक का पावरफुल कॉम्बिनेशन सर्दी और खांसी जैसी सांस की समस्याओं…

5 Signs of Sexual Dysfunction in Women

Sexual dysfunction — which includes problems with desire, arousal, orgasm, and resolution — is common in both women and men. In fact, 43 percent of women, and 31 percent of men, report some degree of sexual dysfunction, according to the…

Sex and STIs: Syphilis can kill you

But isn't syphilis a thing of the past? Nope! Infection rates have risen in recent years. Here's what you need to know. "Safe sex" was common slogan in the 1980s when HIV was discovered and widely discussed, but the idea of safe, protected…

5 Ways Shilajit Benefits Your Health

Many men (both old and young) experience low libido due to a variety of factors and one of the common factors that contribute to sexual dysfunction in most men is stress. A lack of interest in physical intimacy can cause misunderstandings…

15 Ways to Boost Your Sex Drive After 40

It's not uncommon to go through waves of insatiability and apathy when it comes to your sex life, especially as you age. In fact, between the fluctuating hormones raging through your body and the everyday life stressors that put sex on the…