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Make Up Trends

Vaginal bleaching is a trend, can you believe it?

The beauty world has no bounds now when it comes to breaking stereotypes. While some of you are still to give bikini wax a try, the world have moved onto vaginal bleaching. Yes, you read that right! What is Vaginal bleaching? It is the…

5 ultimate tips to prevent ageing

Aging is a natural process that occurs to every one of us. Some of us age gracefully while some of us need some extra care to keep our skin younger looking. If we follow a healthy diet, sound sleep, and proper skincare routine, we can…

चेहरे पर लगाएं ये पांच चीजें, कोरियन गर्ल्स की तरह चमकेगा आपका चेहरा, जानिए…

अगर आप भी बेदाग, निखरी, शीशे सा चमकता चेहरा चाहती हैं तो तो ये खबर आपकी मदद कर सकती है. हमने देखा है कि पिछले कुछ समय से कोरियन ब्यूटी टिप्स (Korean Beauty Tips) काफी पॉपुलर हुए हैं. इनके ब्यूटी टिप्स की खास बात ये हैं कि सभी चीजें किचन…

7 ways to make your lipstick kiss proof

A lipstick has the power to make or break your outfit, also to make your kiss memorable. Imagine kissing and not having to touch up your make-up. Sounds perfect, right? Let’s face it, no one has the time for endless touch-ups. To save you…