Sapphire International School Crossing Republik hosted it`s Annual Jr Wing Sports Meet, Udyaanam, a day filled with fervor & excitement

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Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your work with excellence.” Jessica Guidobono

If there is one field of life that teaches us the most valuable lessons about perseverance, patience in fact what constitutes a perfect character, it is sports.

On the 11th of February, SISCR – Sapphire International School Crossing Republik hosted its Annual Junior Wing Sports Meet, Udyaanam, a day filled with fervor and excitement experienced amidst thrills, shrills, and cheers.

The most anticipated event of the year commenced with the arrival of the highly distinguished Chief Guest, Dr. Sanjeev Dev Malik CMD- Editor in Chief at GNN- Global News Network / ANC – Asian News Channel & Guest of Honor Mrs. Sonia Datta, an educationist & principal of Ramjas primary school Darya Ganj.

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The day started off with the lovely rendition by the choir to pay salutations to the Lord Almighty followed by the highlight of the day, the Relay Torch which was carried by the learners of Pre-Primary and the Inter-House March Past. The audience was in for a visual treat as the junior most students of the campus, that is, pre-primary students showcased a yoga drill to rhythmic beats of the drums.

The displays made way for the highly awaited athletic events where competitiveness among the students soared through the roof during various races. The audience next witnessed various displays symbolizing alternative sources of energy for the human mind and body through taekwondo & sports-based drills.

All impressive performances by the learners of pre-primary kept the audience enthralled. At the end of the day, students departed with clear smiles on their faces as it was a day filled with sportsmanship, enthusiasm, and memories to cherish. The principal of SISCR an esteemed institution, Ms. Vandana Midhaa acknowledged all the teachers for their cooperation and support and advised the children to keep up their sportsman spirit.

The Chief Guest, Dr. Sanjeev Dev Malik addressed the gathering, laying emphasis on the need to imbibe qualities of discipline, sportsmanship spirit and to never be disappointed by failure in life, while thanking all the teachers who had ever taught him.

A strong concluding message of camaraderie and unity was delivered by the Guest of Honor Mrs. Sonia Datta to conclude the event which recharged the audience to firmly believe in whatever they have been able to achieve in their life is due to the dedication and values inculcated in them through teamwork & unity.

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