Sex-at-work scheme: That’s what Russia is promoting to increase population as crisis escalates

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Even though there have been wide moves to discourage abortions in Russia, and even incentives and relaxations at workplace for parenthood, the count of the population has not budget a little in the past few years, according to Russia’s population data.

This could easily lead to a major population crisis in the country after a certain point of time, something that could be detrimental for the economy, as well as the country’s future.

What is the ‘sex-at-work’ scheme?

One of the most unique measures being introduced by the Russian government is the ‘sex-at-work’ scheme, which involves taking a break mid-work and try procreating. This could easily be a workplace violation elsewhere, but Russia seems to be rewarding those who agree to take up this interesting pursuit. Moreover, this also includes creating an environment where pregnant women are made to feel welcome at the workplace, and not deprive them from any opportunities that their work may entail.

Moreover, this also includes encouraging women to bear children in a standard age bracket, which is aimed that giving birth to healthy infants.

Could this be a part of Putin’s population escalation plans?

Vladimir Putin could have hatched this plan from his ‘Putin’s Playbook’, something that top Russian administrators are claiming is a planning aid towards the future of Russia’s economy and future, and population seems to be one of the most crucial aspects in it.

Moreover, the impending scare that Russia’s population could fall drastically over the years, and could drop by 10 million in the next 30 years, is something that is still a major concern for Russia’s government.


Is Russia facing a population decline?

Russia is facing a massive population decline over the years, and Putin has some plans in his kit to help stop the bleeding, as per reports.

Is sex at workplace allowed in Russia?

Russia is encouraging procreation in the workplace for Russian citizens, in order to combat the increasing population deficiency rates in the country.

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