Rockets fly from Gaza to Israel after Benjamin Netanyahu wins election

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Four rockets were fired shortly after Benjamin Netanyahu won the Israeli election, with one of them being stopped by the Iron Dome air defence system.

The Israeli Defense Forces initially claimed that they lacked clarity over the Iron Dome system, but later backed up their claim, according to The Times of Israel.

The cities of Kissufim, Ein HaShlosha, and Nirim, which are close to the Gaza border, were disturbed by approaching rocket sirens after 9 pm when one rocket was launched from the Strip. According to The Times of Israel, there have been no reports of casualties related to the rocket attack up to this point. Three more rockets were fired from Gaza at southern Israel about an hour later, but they missed their target in the Gaza Strip, according to the IDF.

According to The Times of Israel, an Israeli military action earlier that day in the West Bank city of Jenin resulted in the death of a member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The IDF and Border Police claimed in a joint statement that Farouk Salameh, who was named as a “commander” in the terrorist organisation, was responsible for the death of a seasoned police commando earlier this year and had been plotting other assaults.

This occurs after Netanyahu and his supporters gained majority seats in the Israeli parliament to form a majority government. According to NBC News, the outcome will not only guarantee Netanyahu’s comeback but also highlight the nation’s move to the right.

On Tuesday morning, Netanyahu addressed his supporters at a victory rally in Jerusalem, “We have received a huge vote of confidence and we are on the verge of a very big victory.”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi took his Twitter to congraulate Benjamin Netanyahu on his wins. PM tweeted, “Congratulations my friend @netanyahu on your success in the elections. I look forward to continuing our joint efforts to deepen the strategic partnership between India and Israel.”

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