Pregnancy and male fertility: 8 tips for both him and her trying to conceive

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The best experience and privilege anyone can ever have is being a parent and though not every couple is the same as some may be prepared to become pregnant soon but for some, it may take time and others may experience difficulties.

When you are in your early 20’s, you are most fertile but fertility generally begins to diminish around the age of 30 and it declines more substantially after the age of 35.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Priti Gupta, Senior Consultant at Fertility & IVF services, First Step IVF Clinic in New Delhi, shared, “Couples may experience some difficulties when attempting to conceive, but simple adjustments and further efforts may result in success.” She suggested some tips for both him and her trying to conceive:

1. Before you become pregnant, visit your doctor – This applies to you as well as your spouse. Even if you believe you are in good health and prepared for pregnancy, your doctor can still help you be ready by asking about your present health, your lifestyle, and medical history, to see if there are any elements that might affect your conception plans.

2. Get yourself tested for potential fertility challenges – There are several advantages to infertility testing, whether you’re attempting to get pregnant or have children in the near future. You can find out whether you have any issues that will prevent you from becoming pregnant by being tested right away. Fertility tests for women typically measure Antral Follicle Count (AFC) to determine your ovarian reserve, AMH Levels, a hormonal marker of ovarian reserves, FSH Levels to gauge the presence or absence of egg production. For men, fertility specialists generally run a blood test to check levels of testosterone and other hormones, Urinalysis to detect any infections, Semen analysis to determine sperm motility, count and quality.

3. Regular intercourse – Taking appropriate breaks during your sexual life is crucial in your attempts to get pregnant. Typically, having intercourse every two to three days is ideal because having sex too frequently or holding for too long might reduce the quantity and quality of sperm. The optimal time to become pregnant is a few days prior to ovulation since sperm may survive in the body for up to several days whereas a woman’s egg can only survive for up to 24 hours.

4. Follow your cycles – The day before you ovulate is the ideal day to have sex if you want to become pregnant and have regular cycles. Tracking your reproductive window and figuring out when to conceive requires knowing when you ovulate. Each month, around halfway through your menstrual cycle, your ovaries release an egg (or eggs), which is known as ovulation. About 12 to 14 days prior to the beginning of a new menstrual cycle, you ovulate. Your fertile window lasts for roughly seven days altogether, which includes the five days prior to ovulation, the day of ovulation, and the day following ovulation.

According to Dr Manu Gupta, Consultant Urologist and Andrologist, practicing at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi, infertility isn’t just a woman’s problem. He said, “Male infertility is a prevalent issue now which is increasing due to various factors. However, upto 90 percent of all infertile males have the ability to conceive their own genetic child thanks to contemporary science. You can adjust your lifestyle to prevent infertility, and get treatments for the causes. It is the responsibility of both the partners to maintain a healthy and stress-free lifestyle to promote fertility.”

He too added to the list of tips for both him and her trying to conceive and shared:

1. Say no to cigarettes, alcohol – Studies show that alcohol and tobacco consumption negatively impact male and female fertility. Women who smoke cigarettes a lot during the day have trouble getting pregnant. Even male smokers experience issues like decreased sperm quality, etc. Your chances of becoming pregnant can still be impacted by passive smoking as well because there is still a potential that smoke will enter your body. Additionally, alcohol can impact your chances of becoming pregnant. Heavy drinking can alter ovarian reserve, cycle control, and ovulation in females and has been proven to reduce the hormones required for sperm development in men.

2. Maintain a healthy weight range – Obesity and being overweight might result in hormonal imbalances and may reduce the chance of falling pregnant. Your body may generate more or less of the hormones that control ovulation in women and affect sperm production in males if you are considerably overweight or underweight. The more closely you are to a healthy weight, the better your chances are of conceiving and having a healthy baby if you are trying to get pregnant or intend to start trying.

3. Follow a healthy lifestyle – Couples who are thinking about getting pregnant should evaluate their routines and food. Before becoming pregnant, it’s crucial to have a healthy lifestyle, which includes exercising and eating well. Eat food rich in antioxidants, omega -3 oils, proteins, etc. Avoid caffeine intake, artificial sweeteners, trans fat, and processed, oily food. Eat high fiber food like beans, fruits, vegetables, whole grains etc

4. Try to relax and reduce stress – A stress-free life is difficult these days, but at the time of conceiving, clinical research shows that relaxation does improve the quality of sperms, and chances of pregnancy increases. This is due to decreased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which are determined to sperm function”.

He advised, “When pregnancy doesn’t happen right away, it can be difficult but try to be patient. It is unlikely that timing is to fault if you are under 35 and have been trying to conceive for more than a year or if you are over 35 and have been trying for six months. You should visit your doctor to address the issue because something else could be the problem. A certified and experienced fertility expert can explain to you the reasons behind not getting pregnant. With medical advancements, there are infertility treatments like IVF, IUI etc. which can be suggested after diagnosing the cause of infertility.”

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