Omicron symptoms in kids: Children may witness high fever, cough, headache

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The Omicron variant of coronavirus is said to be deadlier than the Delta variant, which wreaked havoc earlier this year. Cases of the new variant are rising all over the world. In fact, children in South Africa have the highest number of cases of the variant. Some of these children have shown mild to severe symptoms.

Scientists around the globe are trying to gather as much information as possible about this variant. According to data from South Africa and the UK, this variant is now targeting children as well. The experts say that this variant may become a big challenge for everyone in the coming times.

In all the previous variants of coronavirus, very mild or no symptoms were seen in children. According to experts, it cannot be said at present how serious will be Omicron, but its symptoms need to be given a lot of attention so that they can be treated in time. According to doctors, the symptoms of Omicron can be different in everyone, but in young people, more fatigue, body pain and headache are likely to be the symptoms.

As per a health official quoted by Reuters, higher hospital admissions among children during the fourth wave of COVID-19 infections in South Africa that has been driven by the Omicron coronavirus variant should not prompt panic as infections have been mild.

Ntsakisi Maluleke, a public health specialist told Reuters that out of the 1,511 COVID-positive patients in hospitals in the province 113 were under 9 years old, a greater proportion than during previous waves of infection.

Since only a small percentage of South Africa`s positive COVID-19 tests are sent for genomic sequencing, officials do not yet know which variants the children admitted to the hospital have been infected with.

News outlet The Sun quoted Dr Angelique Coetzee, chair of the South African Medical Association saying that the main symptoms of Omicron that she had seen in young men were fatigue, body aches, and headache. The doctor also said that unlike delta, so far patients have not reported a loss of smell or taste.

“The children who are coming here now are seeing moderate to severe symptoms. They need oxygen, supportive therapy and a longer hospital stay. They are getting sick more than before,” Dr Rudo Mathiva of Chris Hani Bargawanath Academic Hospital was quoted by The Sun as saying.

Scientists are yet to determine what severity of illness is caused by the Omicron variant, first detected in southern Africa last month and since seen in more than 30 countries and whether it may be more resistant to existing vaccines.

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