Navratri 2022: Why is Sendha Namak Allowed During Navratri? Know the Health Benefits of Rock Salt

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Many devotees adhere completely to the practice of fasting during the nine-day festival of Navratri, which is dedicated to the goddess Durga and her nine avatars.

During Navratri, the majority of Indians, particularly those in the northern belt, adhere to the Sattvik diet. They refrain from consuming any of the strictly forbidden foods during this time, including alcohol, onions, garlic, and meat.

While some foods, like fruits and kuttu ka atta, are permitted, others, like conventional table salt, fall under the list of restricted foods. Here, rock salt, also known as sendha namak, comes to the rescue and is substituted while making foods for fasting.

Sendha namak, also known as Himalayan crystal salt, is a type of salt that is typically found in the Himalayan mountains of the Indian subcontinent. It is thought to be the purest salt as it doesn’t include any chemicals or toxins. It is pure and organic, just like sea salt.

Sendha namak, which is used in cooking for religious purposes, is also regarded as vegetarian salt because it is not made using seawater. Its pinkish hue makes it easy to identify. This salt is consumed throughout all Hindu fasts and vrats, notably during Navratri and Ekadashi.

Sendha namak restores the body’s electrolytes and maintains pH balance as individuals follow a highly restricted diet during Navratri. It eliminates harmful minerals and refined salt deposits from the body by enhancing blood circulation and mineral equilibrium.

Here are advantages of adopting Sendha namak that you should be aware of:

Improves Digestion Sendha namak speeds up the absorption of nutrients and facilitates easy digestion of food. This makes sendha namak an element of the Sattvik diet, which followers observe diligently.

Regulates Blood Pressure Lower sodium and higher potassium levels in Sendha namak help to control blood pressure. For the same reason, those suffering from hypertension are advised to consume sendha namak on a daily basis.

Provides A Cooling Effect The change in weather during Navratri can be taxing. Sendha namak internally cools the body and assists in water retention.

Enhanced Metabolism A series of chemical reactions caused by rock salt can increase the body’s metabolism and enhance its performance. If you want to lose weight, you can surely season your meals with sendha namak.

Boosts Immunity Mined rock salt contains iodine, zinc, magnesium, potassium, and other minerals that come from the salt range mountains. Rock salt strengthens the body’s defences against pathogenic microorganisms by containing all the necessary trace minerals.

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