Meghan McCain attacks Hunter Biden and his family, accuses them of ‘cruelty’

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“So, you’ll forgive me for saying it how it is: we’re dealing with an elitist scumbag, the ultimate product of nepotism.”

Meghan McCain called out Hunter Biden for being a nepotism baby in her new op-ed published in The Daily Mail. The former View co-host wrote a scathing criticism of the President’s son in light of his recent scandals.

On June 20, Hunter Biden and the federal prosecutors reached a plea agreement that could help him avoid jail time. He will plead guilty to tax evasion and illegally possessing a firearm while being a drug user.

Rep. James Comer criticised the deal and said, “Hunter Biden is getting away with a slap on the wrist when growing evidence uncovered by the House Oversight Committee reveals the Bidens engaged in a pattern of corruption, influence peddling, and possibly bribery.”

“This is a man who appears to have concealed millions in income through tax dodging. Who proudly brandished a gun on camera, as he snorted and smoked all manner of drugs alongside a coterie of prostitutes,” McCain wrote.

She also condemned the Biden family for their refusal to acknowledge Hunter’s daughter, Navy Roberts. Hunter claimed to not remember his relationship with his daughter’s mother, a former Washington DC exotic dancer.

Although he initially denied paternity, a 2019 DNA test proved that Navy is his daughter. “This week, Hunter won a fight in court to slash his monthly child support payments to Navy’s mother. The cruelty from the First Family is hard to fathom,” McCain added.

Furthermore, McCain criticised the sitting president, Joe Biden, for failing to hold his son accountable. She said it sickens her that their President “doesn’t express one ounce of shame for his son’s behaviour”.

While McCain’s article contained many valid points, people are calling her out for being hypocritical. Meghan McCain is the daughter of the former presidential candidate and politician, John McCain and she has been very vocal about her parentage. John McCain and Joe Biden have been colleagues and friends since the 70s. Captain McCain was the Navy’s liaison officer to the Senate when Biden was a young senator. Joe Biden had been an unwavering support for the McCains throughout the patriarch’s cancer and ultimate death.

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