Lara Trump breaks silence on father-in-law Donald Trump’s assassination attempt

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Lara Trump delivered an emotional yet empowering speech during the second night of the Republican National Convention.

The RNC co-chair took the stage near the end of the GOP event, recalling the harrowing moment she witnessed her father-in-law, Donald Trump’s assassination attempt.

RNC co-chair Lara Trump recalls harrowing moment Donald Trump was shot

On Tuesday, the 41-year-old began by admitting she had prepared an entirely different speech, but it all changed “at 6:11 on Saturday evening” when a shooter opened fire during the former president’s Pennsylvania rally. “Our family has faced our fair share of death threats,” Lara, the wife of Eric Trump, said.

“But none of that prepares you as a daughter-in-law to watch in real time someone try to kill a person you love,” she continued, adding, “None of that prepares you as a mother to quickly reach for the remote and turn your young children away from the screen so that they’re not witness to something that scars the memory of their grandpa for the rest of their lives.”

Lara went on to say, “There’s no doubt that Saturday was one of the most frightening moments of my father-in-law’s life. Millimetres separated him from life and certain death,” “And yet, it was in the midst of it all, as he was jostled offstage by Secret Service, that he knew how defining that moment would be for our country and he hoisted his fist in the air,” she added.

Her powerful speech drew loud cheers from the audience as she pumped up her fist in the air to show solidarity with the Republican nominee, who made the same gesture after a bullet left his right ear injured. “It was not just for the audience at the rally,” she said of Trump hoisting his fist.

“Not just for his supporters tuning in. But for all of America and as a signal to the world that no matter what America will always prevail. Though it’s been strained and attacked, no enemy, no force, not even a bullet is strong enough to break our American grit and our American soul,” Lara added.

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