How healthy skin and hair make you look more confident

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Having been consulting over many many years in my practice I have had lots of patience coming in not only for dermatological conditions which are physically visible and uncomfortable but more so also for boosting their confidence and self-esteem through good healthy skin and hair. In today’s article, I want to talk about how healthy skin and hair helps to improve the overall self-confidence of an individual.

As you know, skin is the biggest organ of the body and the most visible as well. Your inner health is reflected by your skin condition. For e.g., if you have pigmentation around the neck and eyes, it’s a sign of insulin resistance called acanthosis nigricans, having a sudden burst of acne on the skin can be a sign of hormonal imbalance or a bad lifestyle. Acute hair fall can be a sign of nutritional deficiency in the body. Lip darkening is a sign of excessive smoking or genetics. Very dry eczema skin is a sign of skin barrier being lost and deficiency of essential fatty acids. So the body’s internal condition reflected on the skin has a detrimental impact on mental health.

There are many skin diseases that are visible primarily on the face. The most common condition is acne and there are other severe conditions as well such as psoriasis, vitiligo etc. From what I have seen is that skin conditions that are quick to appear like acne are the most concerning, as people have not got enough time to accept it. Acne can happen due to multiple reasons including the food that we eat, hormonal imbalance, stress and anxiety at work. With the advent of social media, our lives are filled with picture-perfect skin and hair, which has resulted in social anxiety of always having to look good.

In my clinic I have seen patients get very anxious and depressed even if they have a little acne or pigmentation on their face because they consider it like a social stigma of not having good healthy skin and hair. I not only give them a personalised treatment plan to fix the current ailment but also in general I give them a long-term plan so that they can take care of the skin and health of the hair to ensure that they are always healthy.

There have been multiple research studies that have linked confidence levels to having great skin and hair. At the end of the day, it’s not only about how others perceive us but also how we perceive ourselves. I always say that a great skincare and haircare plan starts with a daily dose of self-confidence and self-acceptance.

The author is Medical Head – The Bombay Skin Clinic

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