Here are some natural ways to keep your skin healthy this monsoon season

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Higher levels of humidity during the monsoon season can cause several skin issues. You wouldn’t believe the variety of skin care products that are conveniently available in your home.

Here are some natural ways to maintain healthy skin throughout the monsoon season.

1. Yogurt

Yogurt is a fantastic way to moisturise your body and skin. Rub ice-cold yoghurt on your body before taking a bath. For additional nutrition, you may also combine it with rose water. This will cool the skin and may also improve the tone of your skin.

2. Rose Water

In a spray bottle, add rose water and regular filtered water. Store it in the refrigerator. Spray the liquid on your skin whenever you feel that it is beginning to dry out. Add a spoonful of cucumber juice and a few drops of essential oil to the mixture for extra hydration.

3. Cucumber Ice cubes

Making cucumber juice and freezing it into ice cubes is the best home treatment. If your skin is dry, combine honey; if it’s oily, include lemon juice. Apply it gently to your skin to keep it hydrated and beautiful.

4. Tomatoes

Open pores can be problematic because they can make your skin appear uneven and allow bacterial growth on the epidermal layer, which can result in breakouts and acne. Rub frozen tomato halves onto your skin each day as a quick fix for your monsoon skin care regimen. Given that tomatoes are generally acidic, this will aid in sealing the pores.

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