Having Trouble Understanding Your Skin Type? Dermatologist Shares A Guide That Might Help

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Following a skin care routine has become essential for healthy and glowing skin as pollution and dust levels are on a constant rise in cities.

But the key to effective skin care begins by being able to identify your skin type. In order to do so, fitness trainer Yasmin Karachiwala, along with dermatologist, Dr Jaishree Sharad, have explained how you can identify your skin type. This will enable you to choose the right products and design a routine that is best suited for your skin. Yasmin posted a series of videos on Instagram featuring Dr Jaishree. She posted the video along with the caption, wherein she wrote, “Secret to make your skin glow.

Skincare tips: Know your skin type, here’s how

Talking about her own struggle with choosing the right skin care routine, Yasmin said, “Like all of you, I was confused about which skincare routine to follow. My struggle with choosing the right products for my skin was endless.”

Dr Jaishree has explained in the video that before choosing a product it is essential to first identify what skin type you have. There are seven different skin types, said Dr Jaishree Sharad. These are the following:

1) Normal Skin

2) Oily Skin

3) Dry Skin

4) Combination Skin

5) Acne-Prone Skin

6) Sensitive Skin

7) Pigment Skin

Now, the question is how to identify the skin type? Dr Jaishree has a solution for you. She said, “When you wake up in the morning wash your face with soap and wait for an hour. After an hour has passed, take tissue paper and lightly dab it on your face. If the paper is smooth then you have normal skin.” In case you have oily skin, there will be patches of oil on the tissue paper. For combination skin, you will find oil patches on the tissue from your T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin region). If after washing your face, your skin feels dry it means you have a dry skin type.

Acne-prone skin can be identified when your skin breaks out easily after using skin products. Sensitive skin type is when your skin develops a rash easily after using products on your face. Dr Jaishree added that if there is pigmentation after getting injured this means your skin falls under the pigment type category. Skin type can also change with age, climate change, hormones change especially during pregnancy. It can also change depending on the products you apply on the face.

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