Get that celebrity blush look with these easy DIY lip and cheek tints

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It is the most basic yet sought after beauty product available in the market right now. Just one simple product can add so much of life to the face and give that instant celebrity glow.

Instead of spending so many bucks on expensive lip and cheek tints, you can easily make it at home with ingredients that are available in your kitchen. Here are a few ways

Pomegranate tint: Take a spoon of pomegranate juice, add half a spoon of honey and olive oil for nourishment and mix well. Transfer to a container and let it sit in the freezer

Food colour tint: Mix a tablespoon of almond oil with a tablespoon of water and mix well. Mix a few drops of food colouring to it and stir again. Keep it in the refrigerator for at least two hours before using it.

Hibiscus tint: You can also use hibiscus powder if you do not have the plant. Add a tablespoon of glycerine and water to a container and mix well. Add the hibiscus powder and 1/4 teaspoon of shea butter. Combine all the ingredients and leave it in the freezer.

Strawberry tint: This will give your lips and cheeks a natural glow. In a bowl, mix half a spoon of strawberry juice with a few drops of your favourite essential oil. Put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours then use it.

Beetroot tint: A lot of us have memories from our childhood rubbing beetroot on our lips, cheeks and eyelids while our mothers are busy. You can relive your childhood days again by making a tint of this bright coloured vegetable. Mix a tablespoon of beetroot juice with a tablespoon of water and glycerine. Stir well and put it in the refrigerator for at least two hours before applying.

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