Eating broccoli, blueberries, tomatoes, cauliflower and apples can reduce cancer risk

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In a recent episode of the Figuring Out With Raj Shamani podcast, Dr Tarang Krishna, a cancer specialist, shared a list of powerful foods to prevent cancer.

By combining a balanced diet with a healthy lifestyle, you can reduce your cancer risk and support your overall well-being if you add broccoli, blueberries and tomatoes to your diet, he said. If broccoli and blueberries are expensive or unavailable, he suggested two alternatives: cauliflower and apples.

3 foods that can protect you from cancer

When asked top 3 foods that people should eat to reduce their chances of getting cancer, Dr Krishna said, “Broccoli is very, very good. Don’t fry it but sauté it lightly with olive oil. Keep it fresh and just have it with a little bit of salt and a little bit of pepper. Number 2 is blueberry. It is very good, very important. And number 3 is tomato as it has a high amount of lycopene. It is very good. But it should be eaten a little grilled. Why? Because when you lightly grill it, its lycopene gets absorbed better. Ideally, tomato should not be eaten raw… if you eat these three things, I am sure you are keeping yourself in a good environment, you are taking good care of every cell in your body.”

Alternatives to broccoli and blueberries

Given that many people find broccoli and blueberries to be very expensive and not easily available everywhere, Dr Krishna shared the alternatives, saying, “Cauliflower without pesticides is very good. If someone is gluten-free, then cauliflower is the best thing to have. The alternative to blueberry is apple. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. An apple that is not waxed and is organic. A good apple won’t look perfect. If you go to Shimla or Kashmir, the apples there have irregular shapes and odd colours; they are not that bright red like the ones you usually see. Don’t buy Washington apple.”

Poor diet and sedentary lifestyle can raise your risk of developing cancer. Click here to know more cancer-fighting foods that can help you stay healthy.

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