Did Prince Harry lie in court during phone hacking trial? It’s possible as….

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Prince Harry was told that his court witness statement contradicts his book in relation to a disagreement between him and his brother Prince William over Princess Diana’s former butler.

Paul Burrell- Diana’s once trusted confidant made the claim as Prince Harry sued United Kingdom-based tabloid publisher Mirror Group Newspapers on allegations of phone hacking, including in relation to a story in The People published in 2003.

Prince Harry’s account of what happened appeared to disintegrate during cross-examination. Prince Harry said the article “reveals details of a private disagreement between myself and my brother regarding a proposed meeting with Paul Burrell, our mother’s former butler” adding that “this kind of article sows distrust between brothers.”

“The article accurately sets out the position that my brother was open to fixing a meeting with Paul to discuss his ongoing exposés about our mother, however, I had made up my mind about the kind of person I thought Paul was and was firmly against meeting him at this point in my life. To the best of my recollection, I do not believe a meeting went ahead in 2003,” he continued.

Lawyer for the Mirror Group, told Harry that his statement contradicted his memoir, Spare.

“Mummy’s former butler had penned a tell-all, which actually told nothing. It was merely one man’s self-justifying, self-centering version of events. My mother once called this butler a dear friend, trusted him implicitly. We did too. Now this. He was milking her disappearance for money. It made my blood boil. I wanted to fly home, confront him. I phoned Pa, announced that I was getting on a plane. I’m sure it was the one and only conversation I had with him while I was in Australia. He—and then, in a separate phone call, Willy—talked me out of it,” Prince Harry had written.

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