Constituent Assembly wanted Uniform Civil Code to be implemented: PM Modi in Lok Sabha

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday invoked the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) while replying to a two-day debate on the 75 years of the adoption of the Constitution in Parliament.

Modi told the Lok Sabha that the Constituent Assembly wanted the Uniform Civil Code to be implemented in the country by an elected government and that BR Ambedkar strongly advocated UCC for all religions.

“…Uniform Civil Code – this topic was not beyond the attention of the Constituent Assembly. The Constituent Assembly discussed UCC at length and after the debate, they decided that it would be good if whichever government gets elected takes a decision on it and implements UCC in the country…” the prime minister said, according to ANI.

He added: “The Supreme Court has also said many times that UCC should be brought into the country… Keeping in mind the spirit of the Constitution and the makers of the Constitution, we are working with full force for a Secular Civil Code.”

A Uniform Civil Code is conceptualised as a set of laws that govern personal matters, including marriage, divorce, adoption, inheritance, and succession, for all citizens regardless of their religion. It aims to replace the existing diverse personal laws that vary based on religious affiliations.

The BJP and its ideological mentor, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, have been pushing for the implementation of the UCC. For years, the BJP has promised to implement a common civil code for all people, irrespective of their faith.

PM Modi on Constitution

During Saturday’s speech, PM Modi also said that the vision of the Constitution framers is at the core of the country’s journey over the 75 years of the Constitution.

India is not only a big democracy but it is the mother of democracy, he said in the Lok Sabha replying to a two-day debate on the 75 years of the adoption of the Constitution.

“India’s Constitution has brought us here by defeating the possibilities that were expressed for India at the time when the country attained independence. For this great achievement, besides the drafters of the Constitution, I would like to respectfully bow before the crores of people of India – they lived this new system…Citizens of India deserve all the praise,” he said.

“For all of us, for all citizens and all democracy-loving citizens across the world, this is a moment of great pride,” he added.

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