Conference in Lund to focus on potential of research data

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On 19–20 June, the Swedish Presidency will host a conference together with the Swedish Research Council and Vinnova on research data, and how research infrastructure provides new possibilities and benefits for society.

Research is largely a team effort, where information is managed and shared digitally across geographic borders and scientific disciplines. Universities, research-focused companies and large-scale research infrastructures gather people from around the world, contribute to new discoveries, and tackle current and future societal challenges.

This conference will highlight the role that research infrastructure and research data play in the digital age and focus on measures that improve access to research infrastructure – and corresponding data and services – for researchers, businesses and society as a whole. In conjunction with the conference, a study visit to the research facilities MAX IV and the European Spallation Source (ESS) is also planned.

“High-quality research infrastructure is fundamental for research and innovation. It creates conditions for researchers to solve difficult problems such as the energy crisis, new sustainable materials or finding new vaccines. We have seen that the combination of research infrastructures and open access to data is a very effective way to both promote research and tackle various crises”

Mats Persson, Minister for Education

Around 200 specially invited guests will attend the conference in Lund, but it will also be livestreamed. Speakers include Mr Persson, Minister for Energy, Business and Industry Ebba Busch, Anders Ynnerman, professor of scientific visualisation at Linköping University, and Edith Heard, Director General of European Molecular Biology Laboratory.

Ceremony at the ESS

At the end of the conference, Mr Persson will present the result of the work during the Swedish Presidency – a declaration on how society can increase the benefits of research data. Deputy Director-General of Research and Innovation Signe Ratso of the European Commission will also take part together with Spanish Secretary-General for Research Raquel Yott, who will represent the upcoming Spanish Presidency.

On 20 June, after the conference, Mr Persson will speak at a special ceremony at the ESS to celebrate the major milestones achieved in the construction project. Participants will take a tour of the facility’s accelerator tunnel and instrument hall.

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