Climate crisis: Canada targets zero-emission light-duty vehicles by 2035

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Canada is targeting 2035 for a complete transition of light-duty vehicles to zero-emission mode.

Proposed regulations in this regard were announced on Wednesday by the Canadian government. It published zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) sales targets for passenger cars, SUVs and pickup trucks.

A release from Environment and Climate Change Canada stated these regulations will require that at least 20% of new vehicles sold in Canada will be zero emission by 2026, at least 60% by 2030, and 100% by 2035.

“Zero-emission vehicles are where the rubber hits the road for cost-conscious Canadians who want to help the environment while getting off the roller-coaster of high gasoline prices,” Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Steven Guilbeault, said.

The government has invited feedback on the proposed measures during a 75-day consultation period and expects to finalise the regulations next year.

Use of ZEVs has gradually increased in recent years, though nowhere close to the ambitious targets, which will be enforced in just four years. According to Statistics Canada, the share of new registration of light-duty ZEVs in Canada was 2.9% in 2019, 3.5% in 2020, and 5.2% in 2021, amounting to 85,000 vehicles. In the first half of 2022, 7.2% of new light-duty vehicles sold were ZEVs.

The federal government is investing to ensure there are at least 85,000 charging stations in the country, in addition to those supported by provinces and territories and the private sector.

It has also renewed a subsidy programme for individuals and businesses for buying ZEVs.

“The cumulative greenhouse gas emission reductions from 2026 to 2050 from the proposed ZEV sale targets are estimated to be 430 million tonnes,” the release noted.

It pointed out that EVs are typically considered battery-electric vehicles that are fueled only with electricity; fuel-cell electric vehicles that operate using hydrogen; and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles that can run exclusively on electricity for a specified minimum distance before they transition to operating as hybrid vehicles, using both liquid fuels and electricity.

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