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Health & Wellness

Colorectal cancer symptoms: What you need to know

Colorectal or colon cancer originates from the growth of cells within the colon, which is a section of the large intestine. The large intestine serves as the final part of the digestive system, responsible for breaking down food for bodily…

Omega-3 and Sexual Function

Popular culture leads us to believe that everyone is having hot sex and flaming orgasms (not the alcoholic beverage) all the time. But the truth is that some form of sexual dysfunction is fairly common. Statistics span wide ranges and…

7 best aphrodisiac foods to spice up your sex life

Aphrodisiacs are foods that increase your sex drive and get you in the mood for lovemaking. If you have been looking for the best aphrodisiacs, your search ends here! Try these 7 aphrodisiac foods that will help you level up your sex drive.…

पपीते के हैं बेहद चमत्कारी फायदे, मोटापा, डेंगू, स्किन समेत कई बीमारियों में रामबाण

ठंड का सीजन पूरी तरह से हमारी जीवन शैली को बदल देता है. इस सीजन में हमारे खानपान से लेकर हमारा रहन-सहन तक प्रभावित होता है. इसलिए जरूरी है कि हम सर्दियों में अपने स्वास्थ्य का विशेष ख्याल रखें. हेल्दी खाना खाएं मौसमी फलों को अपनी डाइट में…