African Heritage Sites Facing Climate Change

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African Heritage Sites Facing Climate Change is a series of workshops and capacity-building sessions launched in partnership with the Foundation for the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage in Rabat.

This initiative is aimed at site managers, mentees, experts, representatives of civil society, institutional stakeholders, cultural heritage professionals, and young Africans. It seeks to address various aspects of climate change impacts on African heritage, in line with the Policy Document on climate action for World Heritage adopted in 2023 by the General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention. The primary objective is to enhance the capacity of these sites to continue conveying their Outstanding Universal Value while supporting sustainable development.

Workshop 1: Policy document on climate action for World Heritage : Towards Sustainable and Resilient Management of African Heritage

This introductory workshop focuses on the Policy document on climate action for World Heritage and aims to familiarize participants with the recommendations and guidelines designed to manage the impacts of climate change on heritage sites. By exploring UNESCO’s recommended adaptation and mitigation measures, the workshop will highlight the importance of implementing sustainable management strategies that respect the Outstanding Universal Value of these sites.

Participants will be invited to consider how to integrate these guidelines into the conservation of African heritage sites by incorporating local and traditional practices, enhancing resilience to climate risks, and developing sustainable policies.

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