A day to remember the victims of the Holocaust

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International Holocaust Remembrance Day, 27 January, is a day to remember the Holocaust and the millions of Jews who were murdered by the Nazis, the Roma who were victims of genocide based on racist beliefs, and people belonging to other groups who were persecuted, imprisoned and murdered.

On Monday 23 January, the European Commission, the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU and the Swedish Presidency of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) held a Holocaust remembrance conference in Brussels.

The conference speakers addressed how Holocaust remembrance has long been built on the messages of survivors. As time passes, it is the duty of the younger generations to ensure that the memories of the past stay present with the living generation. We must continue to build institutions to safeguard remembrance and take decisive steps to promote it, including in areas such as education and efforts to counter Holocaust denial and distortion.

The Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU will work tirelessly to safeguard our common values. This includes continuing to combat antisemitism as a priority on the political agenda. For instance, venues for Member States’ mutual learning will be provided. Implementation of national strategies and action plans against racism and antisemitism will also be on the agenda. In addition, the Presidency will arrange for the Council of EU to take stock of progress made, and outline the next steps needed to pave a common path towards a Union free from racism and antisemitism.

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