Sex Addiction Symptoms, Causes & Remedies

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A hyper-sexual disorder, sexual addiction is a state in which a person finds himself preoccupied with sexual thoughts and experiences a strong sexual desire that is difficult to control.

Often the sufferers have underlying problems, including anxiety (Foods for Anxiety Reduction), stress (Psychological Stress & Adrenaline), shame, or depression, which are responsible for their strange sexual behavior.

Possible Signs of Sex Addiction

If a loved one is taking part in some of the following activities excessively, it may indicate that they are suffering from sexual addiction:

Collections of sex magazines.

Watching pornography.

Thinking about sex for long periods while forgetting about everything else.

Excessive masturbation.

Sex Addiction Symptoms, Causes, & Remedies

Risk taking/ indecent sexual behavior.

Cybersex (Cybersex Wiki Page).

Sexually harassing others.

Practicing unprotected sex (What is STD?).

Watching others have sex.

Multiple affairs.

Extra-marital affairs.

Making obscene phone calls.

Most sex addicts are unable to form a bond of attachment with their partner, as they find more pleasure and satisfaction in cybersex, prostitution, or pornography (Pornography Addiction and Erectile Dysfunction).

Though there are no established sex addiction causes, the disorder could be tied to abnormal levels of serotonin or dopamine in the brain, which are chemicals responsible for regulating human behavior and desires. The deficiency of these brain chemicals may cause problematic behavior in the individual, such as problems related to impulse control, infatuation, attention, or emotional regulation. A few researchers claim that sex abuse is one of the primary causes of sex addiction, stating that individuals who have suffered from such abuse in their lifetimes are more prone to becoming sex addicts and showing inappropriate sexual behavior in public.

Sex Addiction Treatment

Sexual addiction can have harmful consequences.

Intervention: If you find a loved one suffering from sex addiction, intervention becomes important, politely explaining them the consequences of such an inappropriate behavior that is unacceptable to others. However, if this does not have any impact on the sex addict, seek professional help. A counselor or trained professional is the best person to help your loved one gain control of their addiction habits. Counseling is one of the best sex addiction treatments that can change the life of the addict.

Avoid Triggers: If you are unhappy with your sexual behavior and feel it is becoming an addiction, learn to avoid triggers that lead you to exhibit compulsive sexual behavior. It is best to refrain from visiting places that act as triggers and make you fall into the trap to make wrong decisions.

Acceptance: The best way to recover from addiction of any kind is to admit you are suffering from such a problem. This will help you make concerted and honest efforts to control your sexual behaviors and not indulge in indecent sexual activities that bring disgrace to yourself and your loved ones.

Support Group: When you admit you are suffering from sex addiction, step out to join a support group, where you get the motivation to get on the track of recovery from sexual addiction. Seeing other addicts recovering, you will realize you are not the only one experiencing such behavior. This will encourage you to tread the recovery path.

Medication: If your problem is the result of depression, anxiety, or stress, the best sex addiction remedy will be to make efforts to reduce stress and other such triggers. You may consult a medical professional and discuss your problem with them. Sex addiction treatment in medical field focuses on hormonal medications that hinder sexual urges, reduce sexuality, and reduce compulsive behaviors.

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