Jobs in Israel: Over 2,200 Telangana workers apply, 900 selected

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Many workers from Telangana are heading to Israel to help with a labour shortage due to the ongoing war with Palestine’s militant organisation Hamas.

After a four-day event that concluded on Friday in Hyderabad, 2,209 workers signed up for construction jobs in Israel. After passing tests to show their skills, 905 workers were chosen to work in Israel and would be added to the West Asian country’s foreign labour force, The Indian Express reported.

The state government organised this recruitment drive with help from the National Skill Development Corporation International (NSDCI).

The workers hired in Telangana are carpenters, ceramic tilers, plasterers, and iron benders. Many Indians are willing to work in the war-affected area because Israel’s construction industry pays them a lot, Indian Express reported. The recruitment team has said that each worker will earn between ₹1.2 lakh and ₹1.38 lakh per month, much more than skilled workers usually get paid in India.

The Telangana recruitment event was the third one in India this year. India and Israel have an agreement in which Israel hires workers from India after testing their skills and then brings these workers to Israel to work.

Similar recruitment drives were held in January this year in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. As per reports, such recruitment drives are likely to be held in Rajasthan, Bihar and Maharashtra.

In the recruitment events in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana a lot of people applied. In UP, 7,182 candidates participated, while in Haryana, there were 1,370 candidates, India Today reported. After a seven-day selection process, 5,087 candidates from Uttar Pradesh and 530 candidates from Haryana were selected for the jobs.

At least one group of 60 immigrant workers has left India for Israel so far. Due to the conflict between Israel and Iran in March, where a Kerala man working on an Israeli farm was killed, the Indian government stopped citizens from flying to Israel for a while.

Israel needs workers from other countries for its construction work. Before this year started, about 80,000 Palestinians worked in Israel’s construction industry. However, when there were growing tensions with Arab countries in January, Israel stopped giving work permits to Palestinians.

In January, the Hindustan Times reported that there were around 10,000 job openings in Israel for plasterers, ceramic tiles, iron benders, and framework workers. These jobs are listed on the NSDC website and offer an annual salary of ₹16.47 lakhs.

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