Andrew Tate claims Putin ‘cured covid’ in outrageous interview with Tucker Carlson, here’s how

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Andrew Tate, the controversial social media influencer facing charges of rape, human trafficking, and leading an organized crime group in Romania, made an outrageous claim during an interview with Tucker Carlson.

Tate boldly asserted that Vladimir Putin, the Russian President, had miraculously “cured Covid” when Russia invaded Ukraine.

During the two-and-a-half-hour-long interview uploaded to Twitter, the former Fox News host gave a platform to Tate, despite the widespread allegations against him. The interview, which marked the debut episode of Carlson’s new show, titled Tucker on Twitter, quickly garnered millions of views, sparking both outrage and criticism.

In a shocking statement, Tate expressed his gratitude to Putin, stating, “We should all give Putin credit for curing Covid. When his invasion happened, Covid went away.” This outlandish claim caught the attention of viewers and added fuel to the already controversial nature of the interview.

Tate had previously hinted at this perspective on Twitter, responding to a tweet questioning the silence surrounding the Covid situation. In his response, Tate joked that Putin had taken over the news cycle with the Russia-Ukraine War suggesting that the Russian President had “cured Covid” through his actions.

Critics wasted no time in lambasting Carlson for granting Tate a platform without proper scrutiny or contextualization. The right-wing TV personality, who previously defended Tate and called his arrest a “human rights violation,” invited further condemnation with this controversial interview. Many media personalities, journalists, and even conservative commentators voiced their disapproval of Carlson’s decision.

During the interview, Carlson attempted to distance himself from the controversy, urging viewers to “make up your own mind” about Tate. The former kickboxer and social media influencer, notorious for promoting misogynistic views, has been under house arrest since his release from Romanian police custody on 31 March. Tate’s brother Tristan and two associates also face charges in connection with the allegations.

Given the serious nature of the charges against Tate, his appearance on Carlson’s show drew widespread criticism and raised concerns about the lack of scrutiny and accountability in providing a platform to controversial figures.

As the aftermath of this interview unfolds, the debate surrounding Tucker Carlson’s decision to feature Andrew Tate continues to intensify. The public awaits further developments while grappling with the shocking claims made during this controversial interview.

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