Women’s rights under Islamic law to amnesty for all: What Taliban said in 1st address

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The Taliban held their first official press conference in Kabul clarifying their stance on prominent issues. The message sent through the address is that Taliban 2.0 is dovish and conciliatory.

Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid addressed the conference and reiterated that there will be no execution and punishment — hallmarks of the Taliban’s previous time in power two decades ago.

Here’s what the Taliban said:

No revenge: Taliban would not seek retribution against former soldiers and government officials, and would grant an amnesty for former soldiers as well as contractors and translators who worked for international forces. “All those in the opposite side are pardoned from A to Z. We will not seek revenge,” the spokesperson said.

Taliban 1.0 and Taliban 2.0: If the question is based on ideology, and beliefs, there is no difference between Taliban during 1996 and 2001, but if calculated on experience, maturity, and insight, no doubt there are many differences.

Women rights: Women would be allowed to work and study and “will be very active in society but within the framework of Islam.

International relations: Taliban don’t want to repeat any conflict, any war again, and they want to do away with the factors for conflict. “Taliban would not allow Afghanistan to be used as a base for attacking other countries, as it was in the years before 9/11,” the spokesperson said.

Press freedom: “We will respect freedom of the press because media reporting will be useful to society and will be able to help correct the leaders’ errors. Journalists working for state or privately-owned media are not criminals and none of them will be prosecuted. In our view, these journalists are civilians and moreover, are talented young people who constitute our richness,” the spokesperson said.

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