Favourite movie/ food/ smell: 12 bizarre facts Prince Harry shared about himself

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On “Colbert Questionert” segment of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Prince Harry answered questions that the host Stephen Colbert had previously asked other celebrity guests.

With this, Prince Harry joined other famous figures who have been interviewed in the Colbert Questionert segment, including Michelle Obama, Cate Blanchett, Sandra Bullock and Daniel Craig.

These are the questions Prince Harry was asked along with the Duke of Sussex’ responses:

What is the best sandwich?

Prince Harry: “A cheese and ham toastie with Dijon mustard on top.”

“I have to be careful with the questions because [of] the Americanisms, it’s very different. It got me and my wife into a little trouble,” he added.

What is one thing you own that you should really throw out?

Prince Harry: “Ripped boxer shorts.”

What is the scariest animal?

Prince Harry: “The scariest animal to me is a snake… Snakes can get anywhere.”

Apples or oranges?

Prince Harry: “Oranges, duh.”

Have you ever asked someone for their autograph?

Prince Harry: “Yes. The rugby team in 2003, at the World Cup Final, after a few drinks. I was walking around going, ‘Jonny, Jonny, Mike, Mike [gestures holding out his T-shirt]’. They were all standing there naked, but I got all 15 signatures.”

What do you think happens when we die?

Prince Harry: “I think we become animals.”

Favourite action movie?

Prince Harry: Gladiator.

Window or aisle [seat on a plane]?

Prince Harry: “Cockpit.”

Favourite smell?

Prince Harry: “My wife.”

Most used app on your phone?

Prince Harry: “For me, generally, Better Up.”

What number am I thinking of?

Prince Harry: “One.”

Describe the rest of your life in five words.

Prince Harry: “Freedom. Happiness. Clarity. Space. Love.”

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