Dengue Fever: Here Are 4 Healthy Ways For Speedy Recovery

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The Aedes mosquito bite is the primary way that dengue disease is transmitted. The patient’s body’s platelets begin to drop quickly when they have dengue.

The patient’s death may also happen if his health is not taken care of in this. According to healthcare experts, a healthy person’s body typically has 1.5 lakh to 4 lakh platelets.

When these platelets fall below 50,000 during dengue fever, it is important to realise that the patient’s life is at risk. Some home treatments for dengue are thought to be beneficial by health professionals in restoring platelets.

1. Stay hydrated

Keep the patient’s body from becoming dehydrated when they have dengue fever. Continue to feed him soups, fresh coconut water, pomegranate and pineapple juices, and fresh fruit drinks. Rehydration is the best treatment in this case to get rid of the fever and weakness.

2. Consume leafy green vegetables

Patients should consume green leafy vegetables if they have dengue fever. Additionally, you can prepare soup, salad, and veggies to serve the patient. These methods help those with dengue fever recover quickly.

3. Consume healthy and balanced diet

Foods that are nutrient-dense and simple to digest should be a part of the diet. You can do this by consuming foods like mixed-vegetable khichdi, oatmeal, and lentils. If you want to improve the flavour of your food, you can add ingredients like basil leaves, coriander, garlic, ginger, and lemon to your diet.

4. Goat’s milk

In order to increase the platelet count in dengue fever, goat’s milk is thought to be particularly efficient. Therefore, it would be preferable if you gave the patient goat’s milk rather than cow’s or buffalo’s. According to some experts, papaya leaves can aid in boosting the number of blood platelets.

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