Best exercises for better sex

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Being physically fit may not only make you feel more confident in the bedroom but could also help you perform better and get more enjoyment from sex.

Your daily workout, though, probably doesn’t target the specific muscles you need for a nighttime workout. To that end, here’s a few excellent exercises to help improve your love life. They’re all easy to do, and the only “equipment” you’ll need is your own.


Squats are good for the butt and the core. This move also gets the blood flowing to the “Southern tropics,” which can help you put you in the mood. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your arms straight out. Keep your feet full on the floor as you slowly lower into a sitting position. Your back should be neither rounded or over-arched. The lower you go, the more you work your gluteus maximus. Then slowly push up from your heels, keeping your abs tight.


Exercise experts say that lunges build strength, endurance, balance, and core stability in the butt, hips, and thighs, which all come into play when engaging in sexual activity. Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart. With your back straight (but not tight), take one long step forward so that your knee is directly above your foot and your thigh is parallel to the floor. Your other foot should not be turned in any way. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, then slowly push back to the original position. Repeat with the other leg.


Push-ups are good for the partner on top because this traditional exercise works the arms, shoulders, chest, and abs for better upper body support and stamina. Like any exercise, good form is key: With your hands just beyond shoulder-width apart, keep your legs, back, and neck in a straight line, and elbows at your sides, as you slowly lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor. Then slowly press your arms to push yourself back up again, but don’t lock your elbows. One down, 19 more to go for one set!

Pelvic lifts

This exercise strengthens the muscles you use most during intercourse—the glutes, and lower abdominal muscles—and helps maintain hip muscle balance. Pelvic lifts also build core strength and strengthen the lower back. Low back pain can affect your ability to perform in certain positions, and put a crimp in your libido as well. To do this exercise, lie flat on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Raise your pelvis so that your spine is in a straight line. Tighten your abs and glutes while you push your inner thighs toward each other. Hold that position for 10 seconds or more, breathing easily, then slowly lower your butt to the floor.


Cardio is not only good for a healthy heart, it’s good for a healthy sex life. Regular cardiovascular workouts—whether running, swimming, cycling, or other heart rate-raising activity—can increase stamina, improve blood flow, and even lead to more satisfying orgasms. To help the heart and other “vital organs,” aim for 30 to 60 minutes of cardio exercise 3 to 5 times a week.


Kegel exercises are recommended for both women and men to strengthen the pelvic floor and avoid incontinence, but this helpful exercise also improves sexual satisfaction, experts say. It’s the one exercise that directly targets and isolates the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle. For both men and women, strengthening the PC muscle can lead to more powerful orgasms. In men, Kegels can also produce firmer erections and may improve control of ejaculation. And once you get the hang of doing them, they’re easy to do and can be done anywhere. Here’s how: Contract your pelvic muscles as though you’re stopping the flow of urine. Don’t push down—squeeze your muscles tightly as if you’re trying to lift this muscle up. Hold tight for 5 seconds, breathing normally. Relax and then repeat. Aim for 20 Kegel exercises three or four times per day.

With a little focus, and these simple exercises, you could enhance your sexual stamina and performance. No equipment needed.

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