5 step method for self-examination of breast cancer

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A malignant tumour that has formed from cells in the breast is referred to as breast cancer.

Breast cancer usually starts in the cells of the milk-producing glands, the lobules, or the ducts, the passageways that drain milk from the lobules to the nipple. Breast cancer can also start in the stromal tissues of the breast, which include the fatty and fibrous connective tissues.

1. Step 1. Observe your breasts

Start by looking in the mirror at your breasts with your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips.

Here are some things to look for:

-Breasts of the same size, shape, and colour as before.

-Evenly formed breasts with no obvious deformation or swelling

2. Step 2. Raise your arms and look for changes

Raise your arms now and look for the same changes as mentioned above.

3. Step 3. Look out for any leaking fluid

Look in the mirror for any evidence of fluid leaking out of one or both nipples while you’re there (this could be a watery, milky, or yellow fluid or blood).

4. Step 4. Feel your breasts while laying down

Then, while lying down, feel your breasts with your right hand on your left breast and your left hand on your right breast. Keep your fingers flat and together while applying a firm, smooth touch to the first few finger pads of your hand. Make a quarter-sized circular motion with your hands.

Feel all of the tissue in your breasts, from the front to the back: light pressure for the skin and tissue just beneath; medium pressure for the tissue in the middle of your breasts; hard pressure for the deep tissue in the rear. You should be able to feel down to your ribs once you’ve reached the deep tissue.

5. Step 5. Feel your breasts while standing

Finally, while standing or sitting, feel your breasts. Many women like to conduct this step in the shower since it is easier to feel their breasts when their skin is moist and slippery. Using the same hand movements as in step 4, cover your entire breast.

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