47-year-old ‘human Barbie’ mom to use 23-year-old son’s blood to ‘remain ageless’

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A 47-year-old mom has revealed that she is going to receive a blood transfusion from her 23-year-old son to “maintain her youthful appearance.” She claimed that her son was very happy to offer his blood for her beauty treatment, adding that he even wanted to do the same for his grandmother.

“Blood transfusion is the new era of maintaining young cells in your system especially when it comes from your own son or daughter,” Los Angeles resident Marcela Iglesia told the New York Post. Reportedly, she is a self-proclaimed “human Barbie”.

“There can be many benefits from the cells of a younger donor, especially if the donor is my own son,” she said, adding that she came to know about this treatment after she “tried stem cell therapy”.

How blood transfusion procedures work

Iglesias told the Sun, “Blood transfusions bring fresh red blood cells to carry oxygen through your body,” adding, “Plasma carries proteins and clotting factors, perfect for helping with bleeding or healing.” However, there is limited clinical evidence that “blood transfusions from a younger person can make you younger.”

Is it dangerous?

The Food and Drug Administration reportedly warned against plasma infusions from “young donors” in 2019. In an alert, the FDA wrote that the procedure carries “significant public health concerns.”

“The conditions range from normal aging and memory loss to serious diseases like dementia, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease or post-traumatic stress disorder,” the alert said.

“There is no proven clinical benefit of infusion of plasma from young donors to cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent these conditions, and there are risks associated with the use of any plasma product,” the organisation added.

The 47-year-old is currently looking for doctors in Los Angeles to oversee the beauty treatment.

Marcela Iglesias’ anti-ageing routine

According to the New York Post, she spent over $99,000 on various cosmetic procedures. The new one on her list includes the blood transfusion from her 23-year-old son, Rodrigo.

She reportedly follows a strict health regimen. She ensures that she gets an hour of exercise and eight hours of sleep every day. She also doesn’t consume sugary drinks, soy products, or alcohol. The mom doesn’t eat meat and maintains a pescatarian diet, eating only fish.

In addition to her rigorous routine, she pays over $1,000 for various wellness treatments, including vitamins, injections, and IVs.

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